Strategy, Direction & Creation: Daniel Danielsson & George Andrea

Launch film for Savage & Civil, the top Creative non-Agency in the UK; A Creative Duo that united artistry with advertising, playfulness with professionalism, metaphor with message – the Savage with the Civil.

100% British Greco-Nordic Produce

Savage and Civil was founded in England by a Nord and a Greek. One hailing from the land of the midnight sun, the other with his roots in the cradle of civilisation.

The henosis of them is a company that unites artistry with advertising, playfulness with professionalism, metaphor with message. The Savage with the Civil.

WHEN Savage meets Civil

When two cultures collide, the outcome isn’t always violent. Henosis is the ancient greek word for oneness. It’s about uniting the seemingly opposite fundamentals of nature that together form a whole. Day and night, life and death, brief and budget.



LUSH: The Bubble Universe


MOONLAND: Announcement Trailer